Kowit was born in Brooklyn, New York where as a young man he frequently gave poetry readings at coffee houses. After a stint in the Army Reserve, he earned his BA from Brooklyn College. He moved to San Francisco at the age of 27 spending time in the Haight-Ashbury district. Kowit earned a MA at San Francisco State College (now San Francisco State University) when he was 30. After refusing Army induction at the beginning of the Vietnam War – or as Kowit called it, "America's genocidal slaughter of the Vietnamese people" – he traveled to Mexico, Central and South America with his wife, Mary. After the war Kowit returned to the States and resided in San Diego.[7][8][9]
An easy charmer in his book The Dumbbell Nebula, Steve Kowit backs up the bantering narratives of a coffeehouse poet with drop-dead images and subtle control ... Kowit's work grows out of the Beat tradition, speaking obliquely and directly of its heroes ... Kowit doesn't get stuck there in self-satisfied beatdom, though, because he can't take himself seriously for long enough. He tickles heavy subjects into giggles of submission without making them look trivial or foolish. Kowit seems to enjoy toying with sound and rhythm, like a cat patting at a spider, and is partial to slant rhymes hidden in unruly cadences. He folds his content into soft mouthfuls of sound ... the poems grow more delicious in their crazy daring, epitomizing Kowit's own particular sidelong, silly way of approaching the truth.[11]
San Diego Book Awards Theodor S. Geisel Award for The Gods of Rapture, 2007
Incitement to Nixonicide by Pablo Neruda, Steve Kowit (Translator) (French & European Publications, 2002) ISBN0960030638
The Maverick Poets: An Anthology by Steve Kowit (Editor), Kim Addonizio (Author) (Contributor), Wanda Coleman (Contributor), Billy Collins (Contributor) published 1988
In the Palm of Your Hand: A Poet's Portable Workshop: a Lively and Illuminating Guide for the Practicing Poet (Tilbury House, 1995) ISBN0884481492
The Dumbbell Nebula (1999)
The First Noble Truth (2007)
Cutting Our Losses (Contact II Publications, 1982)
Lurid Confessions (Carpenter Press, 1983)
The Gods of Rapture: Poems in the Erotic Mood (San Diego City Works Press, 2006)
Heart in utter confusion: Takes on the erotic poetry of India (1982) with Alan Horseradish (Illustrator)
Passionate Journey: Poems and Drawings in the Erotic Mood (City Miner Books, 1984) with Arthur Okamura
Mysteries of the Body: Poems by Steve Kowit (Uroboros Books, 1994)
Epic Journeys, Unbelievable Distances (1998)
Cherish: New and Selected Poems (University of Tampa Press, 2015)