Stanley Ernest Morris

Stanley Ernest 'Stan' Morris, GLM, ID, CMG was a Rhodesian civil servant and politician. He was Secretary for Internal Affairs until 1964, when he was replaced by Hostes Nicolle and appointed chairman of the Public Service Board, in a move perceived by some as intended to make way for supporters of the Rhodesian Front in the civil service in preparation for Rhodesia's unilateral declaration of independence.[1][2]

Morris later took part in the negotiations on HMS Tiger in 1966 between the British and Rhodesian governments, then was appointed to the Senate of Rhodesia.


  1. ^ Howman, H.R.G. Passmore, G.C. (ed.). H.R.G. Howman on Provincialisation in Rhodesia, 1968-1969 and Rational and Irrational Elements (PDF). Cambridge African Occasional Papers 4. pp. x.
  2. ^ Flower, Ken (1987). Serving Secretly: An Intelligence Chief on Record: Rhodesia into Zimbabwe, 1964 to 1981. London: John Murray.