Spin (2015 film)
Spin, sometimes stylized as SPiN, is a 2015 short film drama directed by Noah Workman and written by Wilson Cleveland, who also stars. The film takes place over the course of a contentious live television interview between a Wall Street executive played by Hartley Sawyer and a financial journalist played by Cleveland.[1] ReceptionThe film received a 2016 Webby Award honor for Individual Short (Drama)[2] and generally favorable reviews from critics. In his March 6, 2015 IndieWire review, Joseph Ehrman-Dupre called SPiN a "sharp, smart satire" with writing "full of "spitfire one-liners" and[3] NewMediaRockstars' Evan DeSimone credited the writing as being "Sorkin-esque in the best sense of the word."[4] Tubefilter writer Sam Gutelle complained while "Wall Street corruption is a well-tread topic," SPiN is "A smart, twisty take on the world of high finance and media distortion."[5] Cast
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