Sora no Mori (空の森) is a collection of Akino Arai's songs from various anime projects. Many of the songs are written by Yoko Kanno and arranged with "Hisaaki Hogari". The music relies strongly on orchestral arrangements, along with electronic sounds borrowed from the world of progressive rock, hard rock, and electronica.
Track listing
(Hoshi no Ame, Rain of Stars)
(Haruka na RONDO, Far-away Rondo)
"Moon Light Anthem" ~槐 1991~
(Moon Light Anthem ~Enju 1991~)
(Mikazuki no Shindai, The Crescent Moon Bed)
(Kōru Suna, Frozen Sand)
"風と鳥と空" ~reincarnation~
(Kaze to Tori to Sora, Wind, Bird, and Sky)
"Adesso e fortuna" ~炎と永遠~
(Honō to Eien, Flame and Eternity)
(Kin'iro no Toki, Nagarete, The Flowing Gold of Time)
"Licao do Vento"
(Utawanai Uta, The Song Unsung)
(Tsuki kara no Inori to Tomo ni, Together with Prayers from the Moon)