Something Wicked (2017 film)
Something Wicked is a 2017 Nigerian movie co-produced by Okey Uzoeshi and Isioma Osaje and directed by Yemi Morafa under the production companies of Jack of Aces, Agency 106, Film Boyz and FilmOne Distribution. [1][2][3] The movie stars Gabriel Afolayan, Iretiola Doyle, Ivie Okujaye-Egboh, Adesua Etomi, Beverly Naya and Okey Uzoeshi. [1] SynopsisThe movie revolves around a widow and her orphaned nephew. While her nephew who moved into her house is having difficulty in coping with the new family, she is having difficulty in maintaining her business and single parenthood.[4][3][1] PremiereThe movie was premiered across cinemas in the country on February 17, 2017.[1] Cast