Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Solenanthus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae.
Species include:
- Solenanthus albanicus, (Degen & Bald.) Degen & Bald.
- Solenanthus apenninus, (L.) Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
- Solenanthus biebersteinii, DC.
- Solenanthus circinnatus, Ledeb.
- Solenanthus formosus, R.R.Mill
- Solenanthus hupehensis, R.R.Mill
- Solenanthus lanatus, (L.) A.DC.
- Solenanthus minimus, Brand
- Solenanthus pindicus, Aldén
- Solenanthus reverchonii, Degen
- Solenanthus scardicus, Bornm.
- Solenanthus stamineus, (Desf.)Wettst
- Solenanthus turkestanicus, (Regel & Smirnov) Kusn.