Sky Hawk (manga)
Sky Hawk (Japanese: 天の鷹, Hepburn: Ten no Taka) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Jiro Taniguchi. It was serialized in Futabasha's Manga Action and published in a single volume in September 2002. PublicationThe series is written and illustrated by Jiro Taniguchi. It was serialized in Monthly Action and published in a single tankōbon volume on September 28, 2002.[2] Fanfare and Ponent Mon published the series in English.[3] ReceptionA columnist for Manga News stated that while the manga isn‘t going to blow any minds, it is a solid read.[4] HWR from Anime UK News praised the first volume, calling it "unique".[1] Joseph Arrouet from Planete BD also offered praise for the series, specifically the plot.[5] Christel Scheja from Splash Comics shared the opinion of Arrouet, praising the plot.[6] Sherryn from Manga Sanctuary also praised the plot, while stating that some of the characters are underdeveloped.[7] References