Shin-young, also spelled Shin-yong or Sin-young, is a Korean unisex given name. Its meaning depends on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 25 hanja with the reading "shin" and 34 hanja with the reading "young" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for use in given names.[1]
People with this name include:
- Lho Shin-yong (born 1930), South Korean male politician, Prime Minister from 1985 to 1987
- Park Sin-yeong (born 1942), South Korean male rower
- Kang Sin-young (born 1977), South Korean female judo practitioner
- Kim Shin-young (footballer) (born 1983), South Korean male football striker (J League, K-League Classic)
- Jang Shin-young (born 1984), South Korean actress
- Kim Shin-young (born 1984), South Korean female comedian and TV host
- Yoon Sin-young (born 1987), South Korean male football defender (J2 League)
- Yang Shin-young (born 1990), South Korean female short track skater
- Bae Shin-young (born 1992), South Korean male football striker (K-League Challenge)
Fictional characters with this name include:
See also