Shanty Town follows the story of a ruthless leader named Scar who handles a lot of dirty business and is popularly regarded as the King of Shanty Town. Some of the Lagos hustlers who Scar and his associates have held captive has now decided to unite and wage war against him after it was discovered that captives that Scar supposedly sets free are always missing from existence.[4]
Shanty Town is a town for drug dealers, prostitutes, and thugs. A town where crime has its throne. Inem's life is briefly glossed over and replaced by the good things said about her by characters such as Jackie and Mama T despite the fact that she's the core of the series as intended by the prologue.[5]
Courtesan Jackie has now earned enough to make her gain her freedom from Shanty Town, a town led by Scar, a drug kingpin and pimp. Meanwhile, Ene picks up a former associate from prison.
"Episode 2"
Dimeji Ajibola
Xavier Ighorodje
20 January 2023 (2023-01-20)
Inem a former associate and member of the Shanty Town regains freedom from prison and returns to Shanty Town as Jackie is about to make her getaway. As Jackie makes her getaway from Shanty Town, Scar double crosses and kills her.
"Episode 3"
Dimeji Ajibola
Xavier Ighorodje
20 January 2023 (2023-01-20)
Scar finds himself caught up between two powerful political entities, Chief Fernandez and Dame. At this point, Fernandez and Dame need Scar to do something for both of them to aid their political aims.
"Episode 4"
Dimeji Ajibola
Xavier Ighorodje
20 January 2023 (2023-01-20)
Inem goes to work at the club, unfortunately for her, she catches the eyes of a dangerous guest, Chief Fernandez, who molested her. Scar asks Shalewa to get close to Chief Fernandez's son, Femi Fernandez, to help her clear her debt and gain freedom from Shanty Town.
"Episode 5"
Dimeji Ajibola
Xavier Ighorodje
20 January 2023 (2023-01-20)
Shalewa begins to make progress on the mission Scar gives to her as Femi asks her on a date, however it becomes clear that Inem isn't actually Inem as she's Inem's twin sister who was sent as an undercover agent to trace Shanty Town's missing women.
"Episode 6"
Dimeji Ajibola
Xavier Ighorodje
20 January 2023 (2023-01-20)
Inem's twin who's been acting as Inem confronts Ene about Jackie's disappearance and the ladies hence sort to go after Scar and gain freedom from Shanty Town.