In 2021, Sweet Trip released their first studio album in 12 years, A Tiny House, In Secret Speeches, Polar Equals,[2] after officially reforming in 2019 to release new music due to fan demand.[3] However, just a year later, on January 29, 2022, Valerie Cooper announced she was leaving Sweet Trip for personal reasons, reducing the act to just Roby Burgos.[4] Despite this, Darla Records continued to put out re-releases of their old material, with a re-release of their 1999 EP Alura announced that February.[5]
On March 17, Darla Records put out an announcement on their Instagram that they were releasing the 50-track compilation Seen / Unseen at midnight, with a vinyl pre-order available as well.[6] The compilation was being put together prior to the band's breakup, with Roby providing a collection of 57 tracks, and Valerie and Darla independently culling the tracks down. It is based on a popular YouTube bootleg consisting mostly of tracks released on SoundCloud by Roby, with the official release containing all those songs alongside a large selection of demos and shelved tracks by the band.[1]