Dwarf and densely tufted but perhaps annual. Stems ¾ to 1½ in. high. Leaves radical, filiform, shorter than the stem.
Spikelets terminal, erect, 2 to 4 together, sessile or very shortly pedicellate between 2 involucral bracts, 1 often longer than the inflorescence. Spikelets narrow-lanceolate, flattened, 3 to 3½ lines long, with 4 to 5 flowers. Outer glumes gradually shorter, but usually only the lowest one empty. Hypogynous bristles 6, shorter than the nut or 1 or 2 longer, very shortly ciliate, not plumose. Stamens 3. Nut obovoid-globular, the ribs scarcely prominent, obtuse, tubercular-rugose.
A more recent description is given by Karen Wilson in 1994.[7]