This species is present in most of Europe and in the Near East (Turkey, South Caucasus and northern Iran).[2][3] These moths prefer damp areas (wet meadows, river banks, fens and marshes), but they also can be found on rocky cliffs close to the sea.[4][5]
Callimorpha dominula has a wingspan of 45–55 millimetres (1.8–2.2 in). Adults of this species are quite variable in color. The forewings usually have a metallic-green sheen on the blackish areas, with white and yellow or orange markings. Hindwings are red with three large and irregular black markings. These moths may also occur in rare color forms, one with yellow hindwings and body and one with extended black on hindwings. The thorax is black glossed with green and shows two longitudinal short yellow stripes.[6] The abdomen is black. The scarlet tiger moth has developed mouthparts, that allow it to feed on nectar.[4] The caterpillars can reach a length of about 40 millimetres (1.6 in). They are dark gray with yellow stripes and small white dots.
The three morphs occurring in the population at the Cothill reserve in Oxfordshire, Britain, have been the subject of considerable genetic study (McNamara 1998), including research by E. B. Ford, Ronald Fisher and Denis Owen. Don McNamara (1998) describes how amateurs can rear this species.[8]
Dubatolov, V. V. (2010) "Tiger-moths of Eurasia (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) (Nyctemerini by Rob de Vos & Vladimir V. Dubatolov)". Neue Entomologische Nachrichten. 65: 1–106.
Fisher, R. A. & Ford, E. B. (1950). "The 'Sewall Wright' effect". Heredity. 4: 117–119.
Ford, E. B. & Sheppard, P. M. (1969). "The medionigra polymorphism of Panaxia dominula". Heredity. 24: 112–134.
Kettlewell, H. B. D. (1943). "A survey of the insect Panaxia (Callimorpha) dominula, L.". Proceedings of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society. 1942-43 (pt. 1): 1-49, pl. I-IV, IVa.
Kettlewell, H. B. D. (1943) "Original descriptions of new forms of Panaxia (Callimorpha) dominula, L., and Panaxia rossica, Kolenati". The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation. 55: 45–48.
Nardelli, U. & Giandolfo, B. (1996). "Anmerkungen uber die siziliansche Population von Callimorpha dominula L. mit Bschreibung einer neuen Untrart (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae)" [Observations on the population of Callimorpha dominula L. from Sicily, with description of a new subspecies (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae)]. Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins, Apollo, N.F.17 (3): 283–299.
Sheppard, P. M. (1951). "A quantitive study of two populations of the moth Panaxia dominula (L.)". Heredity. 5: 349–378.
Sheppard, P. M. (1952). "A note on non-random mating in the moth Panaxia dominula L.". Heredity. 5 349–378.
Sheppard, P. M. & Cook, L. M. (1962). "The manifold effects of the medionigra gene of the moth Panaxia dominula and the maintenance of polymorphism". Heredity. 17: 415–426.
Wright, S. (1948). "On the roles of directed and random changes in the frequency of genetics of populations". Evolution. 2: 279–294.
Thomas, W. (1983) "Eine neue Callimorpha dominula – Unterart aus der Osttürkei (Lep.: Arctiidae)". Entomologische Zeitschrift. 93 (8): 107–110. the animals are colorful