Scalatra is a free and open source web application framework written in Scala.[2] It is a port of the Sinatra framework written in Ruby. Scalatra is an alternative to the Lift, Play!, and Unfiltered frameworks. Scalatra is an example of a microframework, a web software development framework which attempts to be as minimal as possible. A full Scalatra application can be written in very few lines of code: package
import org.scalatra._
class MyScalatraFilter extends ScalatraFilter {
get("/hello/:name") {
<h1>Hello, {params("name")}</h1>
From this tiny domain-specific language, Scalatra can be expanded into a minimal but full-featured model-view-controller web framework. For example, additional libraries can be attached in order to provide templating, object-relational mapping, and unit testing or behaviour driven development support. Software built with Scalatra
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