Saltibum is a Brazilian reality competition series broadcast on Rede Globo, based on the Celebrity Splash! format created by Dutch company Eyeworks. The name Saltibum is a portmanteau of the words Salto (Jump in Portuguese) and Tibum (a Portuguese onomatopoeia for Splash). The series premiered on April 5, 2014, airing as a one-hour segment during Caldeirão do Huck, hosted by Luciano Huck.[1] BASC supervisor and BOC member Eduardo Falcão and Olympic athlete Hugo Parisi were judges while Roberto Gonçalves, Andrea Boehme, Cassius Duran and Juliana Veloso mentored the competitors.[2] On May 22, 2014, Rede Globo renewed the show for a second season.[3] FormatIn the show, 12–14 celebrities compete against each other performing dives from extreme heights in order to impress a judging panel. Filming began on February 13, 2014 at the Brazil's Navy Almirante Adalberto Nunes Physical Education Center (a.k.a. CEFAN), Rio de Janeiro.[4] Season chronology
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