Fujino joined an entertainment agency in October 2011.[1] In 2014, she was cast as the main character in Izuru Narushima's film Solomon's Perjury, an adaptation of Miyuki Miyabe's novel of the same name.[2] She was selected out of approximately 10,000 people in an audition process that took an unprecedent six months.[3] At the time of her debut, Fujino had only acted as an extra.[4] She used her character's name as her stage name because she "doesn't want to forget the feelings" of receiving the role.[3] Fujino received the Newcomer of the Year award at the 39th Japan Academy Film Prize for her role in the film.[5] Later in 2016, she transferred agencies from Theatre Academy to K-Factory.[6]
In May 2017, she appeared in Hiyokko as Toyoko Kanehira, a coworker and dormmate of the main character. This was her first appearance in an asadora.[7]
During the 2019 Japanese unified local elections, Fujino appeared in posters and online advertisements by the Kanagawa Prefectural Election Commission to encourage people to vote.[8]
Personal life
Fujino was born on February 2, 2000, in Kanagawa, Japan. She is an only child.[9]
^ ab【報知映画賞】藤野涼子「一生分の幸せ」実力不足…悔し涙一転 [[Hochi Film Awards] Ryoko Fujino's "lifetime worth of happiness" lacks ability... Frustration turns into tears]. Sports Hochi. November 26, 2015. Archived from the original on November 26, 2015.
^ ab役名で女優デビューする14歳・藤野涼子、人生初会見で初々しい決意表明 [14-year-old Ryoko Fujino, who is making her debut with her role's name, expresses her fresh determination at her first press conference]. Eiga.com (in Japanese). November 12, 2014. Archived from the original on October 21, 2023. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^ ab1万人から選出『ソロモンの偽証』主演・藤野涼子に“名付け親”宮部みゆき太鼓判 [Ryoko Fujino, the star of Somon's Perjury, was selected from 10,000 people and her "godmother" Miyuki Miyabe gave the thumbs up]. CinemaCafe.net (in Japanese). November 12, 2014. Archived from the original on October 21, 2023. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^Matsuda, Hidehiko (March 5, 2015). 藤野涼子「ソロモンの偽証」で本格映画デビュー [Ryoko Fujino makes her full-scale film debut in Solomon's Perjury]. Nikkan Sports (in Japanese). Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^ ab【日本アカデミー賞】藤野涼子が感動スピーチ エキストラから主役へ [[Japan Academy Awards] Ryoko Fujino Gives a Moving Speech: From Extra to Lead Role]. Oricon News. October 5, 2016. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^藤野 涼子 [Ryōko Fujino]. K-Factory. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^ ab朝ドラ「ひよっこ」“乙女寮”に注目美女集結 有村架純の妹分・松本穂香、「ソロモンの偽証」藤野涼子ら [Beautiful women gather in the asadora Hiyokko “Otome Dormitory” Kasumi Arimura's younger sister Honoka Matsumoto, Solomon's Perjury Ryoko Fujino and others]. Model Press (in Japanese). January 30, 2017. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^神奈川県選管、モデルに県出身女優・藤野さん ポスターやネット広告で投票呼びかけ [Kanagawa Prefectural Election Commission calls for votes through posters and online ads featuring actress Fujino from the prefecture as model]. Sankei Shimbun (in Japanese). March 23, 2019. Archived from the original on October 21, 2023. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^黒沢清×西島秀俊「クリーピー」に藤野涼子&笹野高史が出演、公開は2016年6月 [Ryoko Fujino and Takashi Sasano appear in Kiyoshi Kurosawa x Hidetoshi Nishijima's Creepy, release in June 2016]. Eiga Natalie (in Japanese). November 4, 2015. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^藤野涼子主演で浅田次郎『輪違屋糸里』映画化、共演に溝端淳平、松井玲奈ら [Ryoko Fujino stars in the film adaptation of Jiro Asada's Wachigaiya Itosato, co-starring Junpei Mizobata, Rena Matsui, and others]. Cinra (in Japanese). October 4, 2018. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^時代劇「冬の時代」に風穴なるか 松雪泰子、江口洋介主演の藤沢周平「橋ものがたり」 [Naruka Kazeana will appear in the period drama "Winter Era" Shuhei Fujisawa's "Bridge Story" starring Yasuko Matsuyuki and Yosuke Eguchi]. Aera (in Japanese). July 18, 2017. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^藤野涼子 正月時代劇「家康、江戸を建てる『水を制す』(前編)」出演決定!! [Ryoko Fujino will appear in the New Year period drama "Ieyasu Builds Edo, 'Controlling the Water' (Part 1)"!!]. K-Factory. July 5, 2018. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^「名古屋行き最終列車2019」追加キャスト発表!藤野涼子主演決定!Mr.マリックも「きてます」 [Additional cast announced for Last Train to Nagoya 2019! Ryoko Fujino will be starring! Mr. Marik also said, "I'm coming"]. PR Times. February 19, 2019. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^金子大地がゲイ役で主演「腐女子、うっかりゲイに告る。」、パートナー役に谷原章介 [Daichi Kaneko plays the lead role in Fujoshi, Ukkari Gay ni Kokuru Shosuke Tanihara plays the role of his partner]. Eiga Natalie (in Japanese). February 5, 2019. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^佐藤流司が主演ドラマ「日暮里チャーリーズ」で七変化、IKKOや佐々木蔵之介も参加(コメントあり) [Ryuji Sato starring drama "Nippori Charlies" makes seven changes, IKKO and Kuranosuke Sasaki also participate (with comments)]. Eiga Natalie (in Japanese). July 22, 2020. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^『竹内涼真の撮休』全8話のあらすじと共演者を発表 主題歌は平井大 [The synopsis and co-stars of all 8 episodes of Ryoma Takeuchi's Day Off" have been announced. The theme song will be Hirai Dai]. Oricon News. September 26, 2020. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^佐々木蔵之介&藤野涼子が父娘役 新ドラマ「ミヤコが京都にやって来た!」来年1月放送開始 [Kuranosuke Sasaki & Ryoko Fujino play father and daughter in the new drama Miyako Has Come to Tokyo! Broadcasting starts in January next year]. The TV (in Japanese). December 1, 2020. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^広瀬すず主演のSPドラマ『エアガール』に山崎紘菜、藤野涼子、中田クルミ、伊原六花が出演 [Hirona Yamazaki, Ryoko Fujino, Kurumi Nakata, and Rikka Ihara appear in the SP drama Air Girl starring Suzu Hirose]. Real Sound (in Japanese). February 7, 2021. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^藤野涼子:「ひよっこ」“豊子”が初大河 吉沢亮主演「青天を衝け」で天真らんまんなお兄ちゃん子に [Ryoko Fujino: Hiyoko "Toyoko" has her first taiga: Became the innocent big brother's kid in Reach Beyond the Blue Sky starring Ryo Yoshizawa]. Mantan Web (in Japanese). July 10, 2020. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^井桁弘恵主演「メンタル強め美女白川さん」に藤野涼子ら、ナレーションは小林星蘭(コメントあり) [Hiroe Igeta stars in Mental Strong Beauty Ms. Shirakawa, Ryoko Fujino and others, narration by Seiran Kobayashi (with comments)]. Eiga Natalie (in Japanese). March 29, 2022. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^育休刑事:第2話 “春風”金子大地に上司から捜査協力の依頼 容疑者のアリバイに“赤ちゃんの泣き声”が関係? [Childcare Leave Detective: Episode 2 "Harukaze" Daichi Kaneko is asked by his boss to cooperate with the investigation. Is "baby's cries" related to the suspect's alibi?]. Mantan Web (in Japanese). April 25, 2023. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^『ノキドア』ゲスト7人発表 松村北斗&西畑大吾の新たな場面写真も公開 [Seven guests announced for Nokidoa New scene photos of Hokuto Matsumura and Daigo Nishihata also released]. My Navi News (in Japanese). July 23, 2023. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^iri、新曲「染」配信リリース&MV公開 ドラマ『モアザンワーズ/More Than Words』書き下ろし楽曲 [iri releases new song "Shime" and releases music video Newly written song for drama More Than Words]. Real Sound (in Japanese). September 14, 2022. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^ほのかりん新曲配信配信、ショートムービーに藤野涼子が出演(コメントあり) [Rin Honoka new song distribution, Ryoko Fujino appears in short movie (with comments)]. Music Natalie (in Japanese). January 16, 2023. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
^「海街diary」が5冠、「お盆の弟」が4冠 [Our Little Sister won 5 awards, Obon Brothers won 4 awards]. Nikkan Sports (in Japanese). December 5, 2015. Retrieved October 21, 2023.