From 1979 to 1995, Ricupero taught courses in international relations at the University of Brasília; and in the same period, he also taught the history of Brazilian diplomatic relations at the Rio Branco Institute.[2]
Ricupero was Chairman of the Finance Committee at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development which was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.[3] He was the Brazilian Minister of the Environment and Amazonian Affairs, before becoming Minister of Finance in 1994.[2]
He is credited with providing continuity during the implementation of the Plano Real.[4] This plan encompassed anti-inflationary monetary reform, the introduction of the modern Brazilian real and other measures taken to stabilize the Brazilian economy.[5]
Diplomatic postings have included:
Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva (1987–1991)[2]
Ambassador to the United States of America (1991–1993)[2]
1995 — Visões do Brasil : ensaios sobre a história e a inserção internacional do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro;São Paulo : Ed. Record. ISBN9788501043368; OCLC 254090142
1994 — A Nova inserção internacional do Brasil
1994 — Estabilidade e crescimento: os desafios do real
1993 — NAFTA and Brazil (with Sérgio Estanislav do Amaral, Robert Charles Kelso). Coral Gables, Florida: North-South Center, University of Miami. OCLC 29661557
1992 — O Futuro do Brasil : a América Latina e o fim da guerra fria