Roja Kootam (TV series)
Roja Kootam is a 2009-2010 Indian Tamil-language television series which aired on Star Vijay. The show premiered on 23 February 2009. It aired initially from Monday through Thursday. The content was based on women centric [2] The show had a happy ending and was replaced by Jodi Number One reality dance show The serial About how five women face their future challenges and difficulties. The characters are Charulatha, Leena, Radhika, Janani, and Manasa. Charulatha plays bold woman and a divorcee, Janani plays housewife Her dreams are shattered when her husband suppresses her talent, Manasa plays ambitious model, Leena plays innocent woman and Radhika plays corporate. The serial is directed by Charles and the title music is by Ramesh Vinayakam, while the background score is done by Rathan. The title song is by Yuga Bharathy and the camera is handled by Antony. Produced by Antony Tirunelvelli (Mercury Networks). This serial is loosely inspired by the TV show Desperate housewives and STAR Vijay's Sister channel StarPlus channel remade Desperate housewives concept in Hindi in their own creative version as Maryada: Lekin Kab Tak?.[1] The show last aired on 29 April 2010 and ended with 229 episodes. It was also airs in Sri Lanka Tamil Channel on Shakthi TV. PlotThe story revolves around 5 female characters (Charulatha, Leena, Radhika, Janani, and Manasa ) that live in the same apartment building. As the name Roja kootam suggests, meaning bunch of Roses in which each one is unique with their own color and fragrance, each one of these characters arbe talented, educated and lead their life which is complicated in its own way.[3] CastMain characters
Additional cast
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