Ripe for the Picking (瓜を破る, Uri o Waru) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Azusa Itakura. It was originally published as a one-shot in Houbunsha's Weekly Manga Times magazine in April 2020. It later began full serialization in the same magazine in July 2020. A live-action television drama adaptation aired from January to March 2024.
Written and illustrated by Azusa Itakura, Ripe for the Picking was initially published as a one-shot in Houbunsha's Weekly Manga Times magazine on April 17, 2020.[2] It later began full serialization in the same magazine on July 3 of the same year.[3]
The series is published in English on NTT Solmare's MangaPlaza website.
A live-action television drama adaptation was announced on October 6, 2023. The drama is produced by C&I Entertainment and directed by Yūichirō Sakashita and Yuka Eda, with Satoko Okazaki and Mikiko Takahashi writing the scripts. The series stars Koharu Kusumi and Taiki Sato from Fantastics from Exile Tribe in the lead roles. It aired on TBS' Drama Stream programming block from January 23 to March 19, 2024.[14][15][16]
The series has over 2.1 million copies in circulation as of October 2023.[15]