1962: Las Doce Sillas (directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, The film is based on the picaresque novel with the same title, The Twelve Chairs by Soviet writer duo Ilf and Petrov. Reynaldo Miravalles stars the protagonist, an enterprising con manOstap Bender. Set in a tropical context, it is starkly similar to the Soviet one of the novel. A notable difference is that in the Cuban version the hero "sees the light", becomes corrected and joins Cuban revolutionary youth in zafra campaign) (sugar cane harvesting).[5] as Oscar
1964: Preludio 11 (directed by Kurt Maetzig) as Priest
1965: Desarraigo (directed by Fausto Canel)
1966: Papeles son papeles (directed by Fausto Canel)
1971: Una pelea cubana contra los demonios (directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea)
1973: El Hombre de Maisinicú (directed by Manuel Pérez)
1976: Rancheador (directed by Sergio Giral) as Francisco Estévez
1987: De tal Pedro tal astilla (directed by Luis Felipe Bernaza) as Pedro Quijano
1987: Cubagua (directed by Michael New) as Stakelum / Carballo / Diego de Ordaz
1988: Vals de la Habana vieja (directed by Luis Felipe Bernaza) as Epifanio
1991: Alicia en el pueblo de Maravillas (translated as Alice in Wondertown,[6]) (directed by Daniel Díaz Torres, a controversial film of satire, absurdity and horror, seen as a criticism of the problems of Cuban society.[7] Critic Juan Antonio García Borrero has been planning to include in a book under a tentative title Diez películas que estremecieron a Cuba) (Ten Films That Shook Cuba) [8]
1991: Sandino (directed by Miguel Littin) as The Ceramist
1991: El Encanto del Regreso (directed by Emilio Oscar Alcalde) as El viejo
2003: Dreaming of Julia (directed by Juan Gerard) as Waldo
2008: Cercanía (directed by Rolando Díaz) as Heriberto
2013: Esther Somewhere (directed by Gerardo Chijona, It is a Cuban-Peruvian co-production shot in Cuba based on a novel by Eliseo Alberto. It was the first Cuban film of Miravalles after the 22-year hiatus)[9] as Lino Catalá. He was awarded the Havana Star Prize for Best Actor for his role in the film at the 15th Havana Film Festival New York.[10]