Return of the Boogeyman
Return of the Boogeyman (also known as Boogeyman III) is a 1994 American horror film directed by Deland Nurse. It was released in the US by Sony Pictures.[1] The film contains scenes of graphic violence, and is mostly made up of stock footage from The Boogeyman.[1] PlotThe film revolves around a young woman named Annie (Kelly Galindo) who has horrible nightmares every time she goes to sleep. She soon realizes that her nightmares are prophetic dreams of the oncoming slaughter of the Boogeyman. She and her friends then set off to stop him. Critical receptionThe film has terrible critical reviews.[2] A review in HorrorNews noted that "Return of the Boogeyman is a terrible film and should pretty much be avoided at all cost".[3] NotabilityThis film is the first commercially available DVD ever produced in the United States.[citation needed] References