Rani Patel in Full Effect takes place in 1991 on the Hawaiian island of Moloka’i. The novel follows Rani Patel, a Gujarati Indian teenager whose father has sexually abused her. Rani has kept the abuse a secret and at age 16, struggles with her identity and sexuality. After performing for an underground rap group, she begins to find herself as MC Sutra and becomes the island's first woman rapper. Meanwhile, Rani reveals her secret and begins to heal from her father's abuse.
Reviewers highlighted Rani's personality, saying it, too, was in “in full effect.” Booklist said, "Rani’s voice ... will resonate with many, even those with little to no familiarity with Rani’s background."[1]Kirkus added, "A powerfully particular, 100 percent genuine character commands this gutsy debut."[2]
Reviewers also noted that Rani's recovery is "unrealistically speedy and conclusive," which Patel, who is a psychiatrist, acknowledges in a concluding note.[1] Despite this, Patel hopes the story "can stand as a model for victims."[2] Given this, Publishers Weekly noted, "Patel compassionately portrays Rani’s entangled emotions, lack of self-confidence, and burgeoning sense of empowerment as she moves forward from trauma."[3]
Awards and honors
Rani Patel in Full Effect was included in many "best of" and "must read" lists, including the following: