Raised by Wolves (book series)Raised by Wolves is a young adult fantasy novel series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, published by EgmontUSA. The series consists of four books: Raised by Wolves (2010), Sweet Sixteen (2015), Trial by Fire (2011), and Take by Storm (2012). Raised by WolvesRaised by Wolves was published June 8, 2010. The book received a positive review from Booklist[1] and a mixed review from Kirkus.[2] In 2010, Raise by Wolves was nominated for the Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Young Adult Paranormal/Fantasy Novel.[3] Sweet SixteenSweet Sixteen is a short story that takes place in the timeline between Raised by Wolves and Trial by Fire. It was published June 12, 2015. Trial by FireTrial by Fire was published June 14, 2011. Taken by StormTaken by Storm was published May 22, 2012. References