Qi Hong (Jin dynasty)

Qi Hong
OccupationMilitary general

Qi Hong (died 312) was a military general of the Jin dynasty (266–420). He served under the Inspector of Youzhou, Wang Jun, and during the War of the Eight Princes, he was instrumental in the defeat of the Prince of Chengdu, Sima Ying and the Prince of Hejian, Sima Yong. He also defeated the Han-Zhao general and future founder of the Later Zhao, Shi Le on one occasion, but was killed in their second encounter.


Virtually nothing is known about Qi Hong's background, but by 304, he was serving as a registrar under the Inspector of Youzhou, Wang Jun. In August 304, Wang Jun and the Duke of Dongying, Sima Teng began a campaign against the Prince of Chengdu, Sima Ying. Qi Hong was made the vanguard general, and at Pingji (平棘, in modern day Zhao County, Hebei), he defeated Sima Ying's general, Shi Chao. Qi Hong and the rest of Wang Jun's forces captured Sima Ying's base in Yecheng and proceeded to carry out a sack, killing around 8,000 civilians in the process.[1]

In 305, Wang Jun joined a coalition led by the Prince of Donghai, Sima Yue, to retrieve Emperor Hui of Jin, who had been forcibly relocated to Chang'an by the Prince of Hejian, Sima Yong. Wang Jun sent Qi Hong with Xianbei and Wuhuan "charging cavalry" to serve in Sima Yue's vanguard. In June 306, Qi Hong and his allies attack Sima Yong's generals, Peng Sui (彭隨) and Diao Mo (刁默) and defeated them. They then defeated Ma Zhan (馬瞻) and Guo Wei (郭偉) at the Ba River (霸水; in present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi), causing Sima Yong to flee alone in a panic. Finally, they captured Chang'an, where Qi Hong allowed his Xianbei troops to sack the city, this time killing more than 20,000 people. Qi Hong and the others escorted Emperor Hui on an oxcart east to Luoyang.[2]

In 309, the Han-Zhao general, Shi Le, attacked Changshan Commandery. Qi Hong and the Xianbei chieftain, Duan Wuwuchen, led more than 10,000 cavalry to subdue him. The two faced Shi Le at Mount Feilong (飛龍山), where they greatly routed him. Shi Le was forced to retreat to Liyang County (黎陽縣; present-day Xun County, Henan).[3] In 310, Qi Hong campaigned against Han's Grand General Who Conquers the North and Inspector of Jizhou, Liu Ling (劉靈) at Guangzong County and killed him.[4] In 312, Wang Jun sent Qi Hong to attack Shi Le again in Guangzong. However, his army was met with a thick fog when they arrived at the area. Qi Hong attempted to withdraw, but accidentally encountered Shi Le. This time, he was defeated and killed.[5]


  1. ^ (「以主溥祁弘為前鋒,遇穎將石超于平棘,擊敗之。浚乘勝遂克鄴城,士眾暴掠,死者甚多。」) Jin Shu, vol.39
  2. ^ (「五月,壬辰,弘等撃隨、默,大破之。遂西入關,又敗顒將馬瞻、郭偉於霸水,顒單馬逃入太白山。弘等入長安,所部鮮卑大掠,殺二萬餘人,百官奔散。己亥,弘等奉帝乘牛車東還。。」) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.86
  3. ^ (王浚遣祁弘與鮮卑段務勿塵擊石勒于飛龍山,大破之,勒退屯黎陽。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.86
  4. ^ (夏,四月,王浚將祁弘敗漢冀州刺史劉靈於廣宗,殺之。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.86
  5. ^ (「又遣祁弘討勒,及于廣宗。時大霧,弘引軍就道,卒與勒遇,為勒所殺。) Jin Shu, vol.39