The show depicts the most significant events and milestones in the singer's life: childhood and youth, battles in the First World War, the beginning of his career, his success, touring Romanian-occupiedOdessa, his women, and his tragic death in a prison in Romania in 1954.
The first episode of the series aired on Inter on 14 October 2013.[2] From 22 until 25 May 2017, it was shown on 1TV.[3]
Khabensky was chosen to play Pyotr Leshchenko, because the creators of the series said that he resembles the singer with his eyes, smile and an air of "nervousness".[4] Leshchenko's widow, Vera Belousova, met Khabensky in the late 1990s and also noted at that time that the actor reminds her of Pyotr.[5]
Konstantin Khabensky and Ivan Stebunov took singing classes to prepare for the shooting, and performed the songs themselves in the film.[6]