Princess Charming is a German realitydating show that premiered on May 25, 2021, streaming on premium sector of RTL+ and began airing on October 29, 2021, on television on VOX. It is streaming on RTL+, operated by the RTL media group, in German. The show features women-identifying and non-binary contestants[1] and is modeled after Prince Charming (started in 2019).[2]Princess Charming was hailed as an example of German TV shows becoming more inclusive by Deutsche Welle.[3]
On June 22, 2021, RTL+ officially renewed the series for a second season which premiered on June 14, 2022.[4]
On March 20, 2023, RTL+ renewed the series for a third season[5] which premiered on September 1, 2023.[6] VOX did not include it in its schedule. The channel had previously stopped the airing of the second season earlier than intended due to low ratings.[7]
On December 11, 2023, RTL+ renewed the series for a fourth season[8] which premiered on July 3, 2024. It was also broadcast on free-to-air television by VOXup, a sister station of VOX.[9]
The original concept of Princess Charming, opening casting calls in October 2020, was to have a bisexual female lead, while the contestants were supposed to be lesbian or bisexual women and heterosexual men.[10] However, the channel, in response to audience and applicant requests, changed the show concept to focus on a lesbian lead in December of the same year.[11]
Unlike The Bachelor's "rose ceremony" or Prince Charming's black tie ceremony, contestants are eliminated if they are asked by the Princess Charming to take off and return the necklace they had previously been given.
Lea declined to get involved with either finalist.
Season 1
The first season premiered May 25, 2021 on RTL+ and October 29, 2021, on VOX. 30-year-old Irina Schlauch, a lawyer from Cologne, was the first Princess Charming. She said in an interview to be a fan of Prince Charming and wanting to "create more visibility and acceptance" for lesbian women through the show's format. In the same interview, she mentioned enjoying sports, including soccer, and having a twin sister.[12] The season, which was filmed on the Greek island of Crete, consisted of nine episodes and one reunion special.[13]
At the Reunion, Irina and Lou announced they did not start a relationship after the finale.[14]
The contestant went on a Group date with the Princess.
The contestant went on both a Group date and a Single date with the Princess.
The contestant went on a Single date with the Princess
The contestant went on a Group date and stayed a night together with the Princess.
The contestant went on a Double date with the Princess and another contestant.
The contestant quit the competition.
The contestant was disqualified.
The contestant had to give up her necklace and was eliminated.
The contestant was the runner up.
The contestant won Princess Charming.
Season 2
The Princess Charming of the second season, 28-year-old project leader Hanna Sökeland from Hanover, was introduced on April 21, 2022.[15] The second season began airing June 14, 2022 on RTL+.[16] VOX initially broadcast the season, releasing each episode one week after its debut on RTL+.[17] However, the channel stopped airing it after the first two episodes due to low ratings. This also meant that the season could only be watched by RTL+ subscribers, since the "catch-up offer" (meaning the episodes were available for free on the RTL+ website for a few days after airing on VOX) expired.[18]
At the Reunion, Hanna and Jessica announced they were still together (as of August 2022).[19]
The contestant went on a Group date with the Princess.
The contestant went on both a Group date and a Single date with the Princess.
The contestant went on a Single date with the Princess
The contestant went on both a Group date and stayed a night together with the Princess.
The contestant went on a Single date and stayed a night together with the Princess.
The contestant quit the competition.
The contestant had to give up her necklace and was eliminated.
The contestant was the runner up.
The contestant won Princess Charming.
Season 3
The Princess Charming of the third season, 23-year-old college student Madleen Matthias from Weyhe, was introduced on August 16, 2022. Unlike the previous two seasons, this one was shot on the Thai island of Ko Samui. The third season began airing September 1, 2023 on RTL+. Three contestants were absent from the first episode and joined the competition later on. One of them, Stephie Stark, had previously been a contestant on the German version of The Bachelor and publicly came out as pansexual before joining Princess Charming.[20] The season additionally featured Elsa, a returning contestant from Season 1.[21]
At the Reunion, Madleen and Elsa announced they did not start a relationship after the finale.[22]
The contestant went on a Group date with the Princess.
The contestant went on both a Group date and a Single date with the Princess.
The contestant went on a Single date with the Princess
The contestant went on a Single date and stayed a night together with the Princess.
The contestant quit the competition.
The contestant had to give up her necklace and was eliminated.
The contestant was the runner up.
The contestant won Princess Charming.
Season 4
The Princess Charming of the fourth season, 30-year-old copywriter Lea Hoppenworth from Berlin, was introduced on June 11, 2024. This season was shot on Ko Samui again and began airing on July 3 of the same year.[23] Maike, one of the featured contestants, had previously been in a relationship with Hoppenworth.[24]
In the finale, Hoppenworth decided to eliminate both remaining contestants. She was therefore the first Princess Charming to not pick a winner.[25]