Playmakers is an American drama television series created by John Eisendrath that aired on ESPN from August 26 to November 11, 2003. It depicts the lives of the Cougars, a fictional professional football team playing in an unidentified city. The show stars Tony Denison, Omar Gooding, Russell Hornsby, Jason Matthew Smith, Marcello Thedford, and Christopher Wiehl. The show, which ran eleven episodes, was the first original drama series created by ESPN. Although the ratings were very high for ESPN—Playmakers was the highest-rated show on the network other than its Sunday night NFL and Saturday college football games—ESPN eventually canceled the series under pressure from the National Football League, who disliked the portrayal of the negative aspects of its players' lives off the field.[1] StyleThe show follows the lives of various members of an ensemble cast who portray the players and personnel on a fictional American football team, the Cougars, in a fictional league (referred to in the series as "The League"[2]) during the regular season. Many of these segments are prefaced by an internal monologue in the format of a character narrating in his head. Cast and charactersMain
ProductionFilming took place in Toronto from May to October 2003. Game scenes were filmed at the SkyDome, with Canadian Football League players serving as background actors or stunt doubles.[3] DVDThe only season of Playmakers was released on DVD by ESPN Home Video in 2004. Awards
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