Piranha to Scurfy is a short story collection by British writer Ruth Rendell, published in 2000. The collection takes its unusual name from the first story featured, which itself is named after a volume of the Encyclopædia Britannica.[1]
The volume contains 9 short stories and 2 longer novellas:
Piranha to Scurfy (novella)
Computer Seance (NB: not included in the US edition)
Fair Exchange
The Wink
Walter's Leg
The Professional
The Beach Butler
The Astronomical Scarf
High Mysterious Union (novella)
Myth (NB: not included in the US edition. Also re-published in 2003 in the US quarterly The Strand Magazine, issue 11, retitled "Paradise." )[2]
^Guttridge, Peter (3 September 2000). "Observer review: Ruth Rendell". The Guardian. Retrieved 21 October 2017 – via www.theguardian.com.