Waglowski specialised in the legal aspects of the information society and the legal analysis of the Internet-based projects. A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, he dedicated his Master's thesis to the subject of infringement of personality rights on the Internet and their civil law protection based on the Civil Code. He studied at the doctoral level at the Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, currently working on his PhD dissertation. His teaching experience is dedicated mostly to media education. [clarification needed] He has taught at the Lazarski University in Warsaw, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, and at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Studies of University of Warsaw.[1]
Waglowski was a founding member of the Internet Society Poland. From 2001 to 2006, he was a member of the board of the Society. He has authored numerous articles[3] on the legal aspects of the information society. In 2005 he has published book "Prawo w sieci. Zarys regulacji internetu",[4] which was one of the first publications on this subject in Poland. Since December 2006 he has served in the Program Council of the bi-monthly magazine Elektroniczna administracja (Electronic administration).[5] He is a member of the Program Council of the quarterly Prawo Nowych Technologii, and a columnist for the monthly magazine IT w administracji.[6]
Together with Jarosław Lipszyc he initiated the celebration of the Public Domain Day in Poland, which has been celebrated for the first time in 2007.[7]
Since 2009 he has served as a member of the Program Council of the Panoptykon Foundation[11] From March 2012 until February 2013 he worked with Fundacja ePaństwo as Policy Director.[12]
Awards and prizes
2001: Internet Citizen of the Year 2001 - Piotr Waglowski has been the first to receive this title from the Organisational Committee of the Civil Internet for the essential contribution to the building the information society in Poland. [citation needed]
2005: Bronze Cross of Merit in 2005 from the President of Poland the cross "for the contribution to the development of informatization".[13]
2010: Info Star Prize 2010 received from the Centre of the Promotion of the Computer Science and Polish Information Processing Society for "promotion of the ICT law".[14]
2011: (nomination) Man of the Year. Internet Standard 2011 - "for almost 15 years of writing blog-portal on law and Internet, for consequent support of the freedom in The Net, for describing in easy-to-understand form difficult legal subjects, for initiating substantive discussions, for the contribution to the research on copyright law in Internet."[15]
received MediaTory Prize (2013) from journalism students at Polish universities) for "ReformaTOR", the highest-standard of citizenship investigation, consequent monitoring (watchdoging) authorities and controlling legal reality for the benefit of whole society.[21]
^"Prawo w sieci. Zarys regulacji internetu" ("Law in the net. Outline of the regulation of the Internet"), Helion Publishing; ISBN83-7361-854-6.(in Polish)