In a paper of 1875, du Bois-Reymond employed for the first time the method of diagonalization, later associated with the name of Cantor.[1] Du Bois-Reymond also established that a trigonometric series that converges to a continuous function at every point is the Fourier series of this function. He is also associated with the fundamental lemma of calculus of variations of which he proved a refined version based on that of Lagrange.[2][3]
Theory of infinitesimals
Paul du Bois-Reymond developed a theory of infinitesimals:
The infinitely small is a mathematical quantity and has all its properties in common with the finite […] A belief in the infinitely small does not triumph easily. Yet when one thinks boldly and freely, the initial distrust will soon mellow into a pleasant certainty ... A majority of educated people will admit an infinite in space and time, and not just an "unboundedly large". But they will only with difficulty believe in the infinitely small, despite the fact that the infinitely small has the same right to existence as the infinitely large. […]
— Paul du Bois-Reymond, Über die Paradoxen des Infinitär-Calcüls (On the paradoxes of the infinitary calculus), 1877
Théorie générale des fonctions (Nice : Impr. niçoise, 1887) (translated in French from the original German by G. Millaud and A. Girot)
^Dubois-Reymond: Erläuterungen zu den Anfangsgründen der Variationsrechnung. Mathematische Annalen, Band 15, 1879, S. 283–314, hier S. 297, 300.
^Oskar Bolza: Vorlesungen über Variationsrechnung. Teubner 1909, S. 26. Nach Bolza stammt der älteste Beweis von Friedrich Stegmann, Lehrbuch der Variationsrechnung, Kassel 1854, dort werden aber einschränkendere Annahmen gemacht.