Paranoia (short story)"Paranoia" is a short story by Shirley Jackson first published on August 5, 2013 in The New Yorker long after the author's death in 1965. Jackson's children found the story in her papers in the Library of Congress.[1] It has since been reprinted in Dark Tales (2016). BackgroundAccording to Jackson's son, Laurence Jackson Hyman, in an interview with The New Yorker:[1]
PlotIn Manhattan, businessman Mr. Halloran Beresford leaves his office happy and jolly after a busy day at work pleased with remembering his wife's birthday. He buys chocolates on the way home and plans to take his wife out to a romantic dinner and a show. But on his commute home, he repeatedly comes across a man in a light hat who he believes is stalking him. Trying to escape the man, he is repeatedly accosted by other strangers who seem to be part of the plot. Finally he arrives home, where his wife comforts him, only to lock him in the room and make a phone call, saying "Listen, he came here after all. I've got him." References
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