The university's legal entity is the Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg - private foundation. The committee reports to the Board of Trustees.
Board of Trustees
Wolfgang Sperl (Chairperson)
Volker Viechtbauer
Lydia Gruber
Foundation board
Christian Stöckl (Chairperson)
Irene Oesch-Hayward
Bernhard Fürthauer
Heinrich Dieter Kiener
Andrea Klambauer
Gertraud Leimüller
Jürgen Rauch
Herbert Resch
Gerlinde Rogatsch
Felix Sedlmayer
Peter Unterkofler
The financing of the Paracelsus Medical University is carried out for the most part through private funds. Furthermore, it includes public funding provided by local and regional government bodies (province and city of Salzburg, Salzburg Regional Authorities Association), tuition fees and cross financing from research contracts and through net income (e.g. further education courses, etc.). Being a private university, the Paracelsus Medical University is not entitled to funding from the federal government.
A further intensive and long-standing partnership connects the Paracelsus Medical University, the University Hospital Salzburg (Landeskrankenhaus Salzburg) and the Christian Doppler Clinic. As the university was established, the clinics' formerly autonomous departments were integrated to become university clinic departments. The transformation to university hospitals followed in 2007.
The university's second location in Nuremberg with the study of human medicine is based on the cooperation with Klinikum Nuremberg (Klinikum Nürnberg).
In addition, the Paracelsus Medical University is able to make use of a broad-based network of academic teaching hospitals and teaching practices, particularly within the regions of Salzburg and Bavaria.
Studies and further education
Degree Courses:
Study of Human Medicine (Bachelor & Master, academic title "Dr. med. univ.")
Study of Pharmacy (Bachelor & Master)
Nursing Science Online (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
Pflege impact (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
Master's Degree Program in Nursing Science (Master of Science in Nursing)
Public Health (Master of Science in Public Health)
Advanced Nursing Practice ("Advanced Nurse Practitioner in acute care" / "Advanced Nurse Practitioner in chronic care")
Medical Science Doctorate Study Program (Ph.D.)
Nursing and Allied Health Sciences (Ph.D.)
Nursing Practice & Leadership (Ph.D.)
In addition the Paracelsus University offers a variety of postgraduate programs and degree courses.
Scientific research institutes & research centers
General Practice, Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine
Anatomy and Cell Biology
Nursing Science and Practice
Pharmacology und Toxicology
Physiology und Pathophysiology
Hereditary Metabolic Diseases
Early Life Care
Experimental Neuroregeneration
Experimental and Clinical Cell Therapy
Gastein Research Institute
Molecular Regenerative Medicine
Molecular Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine
Tendon and Bone Regeneration
Synergetic and Psychotherapy Research
Advanced Radiation Technologies - radART
Rehabilitation, Transition and Palliation of Neurologically Ill Children
Spine Research
Clinical Research Centre Salzburg (CRCS)
Spinal Cord Injury and Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg (SCI-TReCS)
Public Health and Healthcare Research
The main research focuses at the Paracelsus Medical University belong to the area of regenerative medicine:
Oncological, immunological and allergic diseases
Musculoskeletal diseases, biomechanics and sports medicine
Metabolic diseases
Research Programs:
Experimental ophthalmology and glaucoma research
Molecular therapy of genetic dermatoses
Nano vesicular therapies
Psychotherapy evaluation in a complex therapy setting