Owly is an American children's graphic novel series created since 2004 by Andy Runton and published by Top Shelf Productions. Series overviewThe series, which is largely without standard text dialogue making it a pantomime comic, is about the adventures of a gentle owl named Owly who resolves to do good and make friends in his world with the help of his good companions, the clever worm, Wormy, and Scampy, the gluttonous but good hearted chipmunk. While he faces obstacles in the pursuit of that goal, his faith in the goodness in the world is never disappointed. Publication historyCollections
Single issuesTop Shelf has published several single issues of Owly, as part of Free Comic Book Day.
Children's booksRunton has published two Owly & Wormy children's books.
Awards and recognitionWins
In other mediaA computer-animated short featuring Owly and Wormy was produced by Sprite Animation Studios, and premiered at San Diego Comic-Con in July 2009. The short was story boarded by Runton himself, and directed by Moto Sakakibara.[2] Runton contributed a story featuring Owly and Wormy for the 25th issue of Valiant Comics' X-O Manowar in May 2014. References
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