Overview of and topical guide to computing
The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to computing:
Computing – activity of using and improving computer hardware and computer software .
Branches of computing
Computer science
Computer science – (outline )
See information processor for a high-level block diagram.
Instruction-level taxonomies
After the commoditization of memory , attention turned to optimizing CPU performance at the instruction level. Various methods of speeding up the fetch-execute cycle include:
Part of an early computer, EDSAC .
History of computing
Business computing
Human factors
Computer network
Wired and wireless computer network
This notebook computer is connected to a wireless access point using a PC card wireless card.
Computing technology based wireless networking (CbWN)
The main goal of CbWN is to optimize the system performance of the flexible wireless network.
Computer security
Numeric data
Character data
Other data topics
Classes of computers
Polish analog computer AKAT-1
There are several terms which describe classes , or categories, of computers:
A computer Lab
Companies – current
Companies – historic
Acorn , bought by Olivetti
Amdahl Corporation , bought by Fujitsu
Bendix Corporation
Burroughs Corporation , merged with Sperry to become Unisys
Compaq , bought by Hewlett-Packard
Control Data
Data General
Digital Equipment Corporation , bought by Compaq , later bought by Hewlett-Packard
Digital Research – produced system software for early Intel microprocessor-based computers
Elliott Brothers
English Electric Company
General Electric , computer division bought by Honeywell , then Bull
Honeywell , computer division bought by Bull
Lisp Machines, Inc.
Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems produced the first widely sold microcomputer system (kit and assembled)
Nixdorf Computer , bought by Siemens
Norsk Data
Packard Bell
Prime Computer
Royal McBee
Scientific Data Systems , sold to Xerox
Sinclair Research , created the ZX Spectrum , ZX80 , and ZX81
Southweat Technical products Corporation produced microcomputers systems (kit and assembled), peripherals, and software based on Motorola 6800 and 6809 microcomputer chips
Sperry , which bought UNIVAC , and later merged with Burroughs to become Unisys
Varian Data Machines , a division of Varian Associates which was bought by Sperry
Professional organizations
Standards bodies
Open standards bodies
See also Open standard
Computing publications
Persons influential in computing
Major figures associated with making personal computers popular.
External links