Oswald Jozef Leroy (16 May 1936 – 7 September 2022) was a Belgian mathematician known for his contributions to theoretical acousto-optics.
Leroy's biggest achievement was a theoretical study of the interaction of light with two adjacent ultrasonic beams under different conditions in terms of beam shape, frequency content and intensity.[1][2][3][4] Understanding of this phenomenon was very important in the 1970s when new acousto-optic devices were developed (mainly due to novel developments in laser technology) that utilized adjacent ultrasonic beams. Such devices were being used in optical modulators,[5] optical scanners,[6] information processing[7][8][9]
, optical filtering[10] and frequency-spectrum analysis.[11][12][13] Before his contribution only the interaction of light with one ultrasonic beam was understood.[citation needed] Since then, acousto-optic devices have been used in telecommunication and military applications.[citation needed]
Leroy O., "Diffraction of light by two adjacent parallel ultrasonic-waves", journal of the acoustical society of America 51(1), 148, 1972
Leroy O., "Theory of diffraction of light by ultrasonic-waves consisting of a fundamental tone and its first n − 1 harmonics", ultrasonics 10(4), 182, 1972
Leroy O., "Diffraction of light by 2 adjacent parallel ultrasonic beams", acustica 29(5), 303–310, 1973
Leroy O., "General symmetry properties of diffraction pattern in diffraction of light by parallel adjacent ultrasonic beams", journal of sound and vibration 26(3), 389–393, 1973
Leroy O., "Diffraction of light by 2 parallel adjacent ultrasonic-waves, having same wavelengths", journal of sound and vibration 32(2), 241–249, 1974
Leroy, O., "TI light-diffraction caused by adjacent ultrasonics", IEEE transactions on sonics and ultrasonics su22(3), 233, 1975
Poleunis F., Leroy O., "Diffraction of light by 2 adjacent parallel ultrasonic-waves, one being a fundamental tone and other its 2nd harmonic", journal of sound and vibration 58(4), 509–515, 1978
Leroy O., Mertens R., "Diffraction of light by adjacent parallel ultrasonic-waves with arbitrary frequencies (noa-method)", acustica 26(2), 96, 1972
W. Hereman, R. Mertens, F. Verheest, O. Leroy, J.M. Claeys, E. Blomme, "Interaction of light and ultrasound : Acoustoopics", Physicalia Magazine 6(4), 213–245, 1984.
Physical Acoustics – Fundamentals and Applications, M.A. Breazeale O. Leroy (Eds.), Plenum US, 1991
Advances in Acousto-Optics : 5th International Meeting of the European Acousto-Optical Club, Oswald Leroy (Edt.), Institute of Physics, 2001.
^Sliwinski A., "Acoustooptics and its perspectives in research and applications", ultrasonics 28(4), 195–213, 1990
^Poon T. C., Chatterjee M. R., Banerjee P. P., "multiple plane-wave analysis of acoustooptic diffraction by adjacent ultrasonic beams of frequency ratio 1 : m", Journal of the Optical Society of America a-optics image science and vision 3(9), 1402–1406, 1986
^Balakshii V. I., Nagaeva I. A., "Diffraction of light by two collinear acoustic waves of different frequencies: the mode competition", Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 45(5), 543–547, 2000
^Gondek G., Katkowski T., Kwiek P., "diffraction of light by two ultrasonic beams of frequency ratio 1 : 2, beyond the Raman-Nath diffraction regime", ultrasonics 38(1-8), 845–848, 2000
^Pinnow D. A., IEEE J. Quant. Electr. QE-6, 223–238, 1970
^Uchida N., Niizeki N., Proc. IEEE 61, 1073–1092, 1973
^Kashiwaga E., Sakurai K., in ‘Ultrasonic imaging and holography – Medical, sonar and optical applications’, Eds. G. W. Stroke, W. E. Kock, Y. Kikuchi, J. Tsujiuchi, Plenum press NY, 201–228, 1874
^Korbukov T. E., Kulakov S. V., Acousto-Optical methods in information processing. Mackinostroene, Leningrad, 1978
^Korpel A., in ‘Optical information processing’, Eds Yu E. Nesterikhin, G. W. Stroke, W. E. kock, Plenum Press, NY, 171–193, 1976
^Chang T. C., Opt. Eng. 16, 455–460, 1977, also SPIE 90, 12–22, 1976
^Damon R. W., Maloney W. T., McMahon D. H., in ‘Physical acoustics : Principles and Methods VII’, Eds W. P. Mason and R. N. Thurston, Academic Press, NY, 273–366, 1970
^Hecht D. L., Opt. Eng. 16, 461–466, 1977; also in SPIE 90, 148–163, 1976