Order of accuracyIn numerical analysis, order of accuracy quantifies the rate of convergence of a numerical approximation of a differential equation to the exact solution. Consider , the exact solution to a differential equation in an appropriate normed space . Consider a numerical approximation , where is a parameter characterizing the approximation, such as the step size in a finite difference scheme or the diameter of the cells in a finite element method. The numerical solution is said to be th-order accurate if the error is proportional to the step-size to the th power:[1] where the constant is independent of and usually depends on the solution .[2] Using the big O notation an th-order accurate numerical method is notated as This definition is strictly dependent on the norm used in the space; the choice of such norm is fundamental to estimate the rate of convergence and, in general, all numerical errors correctly. The size of the error of a first-order accurate approximation is directly proportional to . Partial differential equations which vary over both time and space are said to be accurate to order in time and to order in space.[3] References