Operation Collie

HMS Ameer, one of two aircraft carriers involved in Operation Collie.

Operation Collie was a British naval operation in World War II, from 5–11 July 1945. Its objectives were, firstly, naval bombardment and aerial strikes on Japanese positions in the Nicobar Islands,[1] particularly on Nancowry Island;[2] secondly, providing cover for minesweeping operations in advance of a possible invasion;[1] and thirdly, making carrier raids on Japanese airfields in northern Sumatra.[2] These measures were a prelude for an invasion, Operation Zipper, which was never carried out due to the Surrender of Japan.[3]

Operational detail

Operation Collie was carried out under the direction of Rear Admiral Wilfrid Patterson,[1] by Ruler-class aircraft carriers HMS Ameer and HMS Emperor,[2] light cruiser HMS Nigeria,[1] destroyers HMS Roebuck, HMS Eskimo, and HMS Vigilant, and escort carriers HMS Stalker and HMS Empress,[2] and the 6th Minesweeping Flotilla.[1] The carriers transported Grumman F6F Hellcats of the 884 Naval Air Squadron, which flew 82 sorties.[1] Accounts of casualties vary, but one report indicates that two pilots were killed, one during take-off, one in action; and six aircraft were lost, three to enemy action;[1] while another indicated that seven aircraft were lost from the Ameer, with all pilots rescued.[4] Overall, the mission was a success, with one report noting that "three flotillas of minesweepers cleared 167 mines off the northwest coast of Malaya and from the waters around the Nicobars."[3]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g David Wragg, The Escort Carrier in the Second World War: Combustible, Vulnerable, Expendable!, pages 157–169, 2005.
  2. ^ a b c d Jürgen Rohwer, Chronology of the War at Sea, 1939–1945: The Naval History of World War Two, page 423, 2005.
  3. ^ a b Malcolm H. Murfett, Naval Warfare 1919–45: An Operational History of the Volatile War at Sea, page 446, 2008.
  4. ^ HMS Ameer -1945.