Once Upon a Time in Brooklyn
Once Upon a Time in Brooklyn is a 2013 American crime film written and directed by Paul Borghese, starring William DeMeo, Wass Stevens, and Louis Vanaria.[1] PlotBobby Baldano (William DeMeo) is the black sheep of his family. When he gets out of prison after serving a five-year sentence, his father (Armand Assante) has high hopes he will have a fresh start and come to work at Joseph Baldano & Sons Contracting, the legitimate and thriving multi-generational family business Bobby's grandfather built up from nothing. But Bobby's a mob connected street thug who gets caught back up in a life of inescapable crime. He has two families: one supportive and loving, the other dangerous and deadly. He must decide between his two families and once he does, truths are revealed that Bobby always knew but was too blind to see and too afraid to face.[2][3] Cast