Omoye is a 2017 Nigerian movie written and directed by Uche Chukwu. It was produced by Africa Magic Viewers Award Winner, Rotimi Salami with sponsorship from Natures Gentle Touch.[1] Omoye's plot tackled one of the problems in the society; domestic violence and the movie is endorsed by the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVRT).[2] Also, the movie stars Kiki Omeili, Tina Mba, Stan Nze, Rotimi Salami [3] SynopsisThe movie tells the story of a highly determined young lady who fell into the hands of an abuser as a husband. As the abuses continue, she becomes mentally and physically sapped but still does not give up on her marriage[1][2] PremiereThe movie premiere was held on Sunday, October 22, 2017, at the Genesis Deluxe Cinema, Palms Shopping Mall, Lekki, Lagos.[1] LocationThe movie was shot in Ajegunle, Lagos State Nigeria.[4] Cast