Kull, K.; Kull, O. 1989. Dinamicheskoe modelirovanie rosta derev’evDynamic Modelling of Tree Growth (Scripta Botanica 5.) Tallinn: Valgus, 232 pp. (in Russian).
Kull, Olevi; Jarvis, Paul G. 1995. The role of nitrogen in a simple scheme to scale-up photosynthesis from leaf to canopy. Plant, Cell and Environment 18(10): 1174–1182.
Kull, Olevi; Kruijt, B. 1998. Leaf photosynthetic light response: a mechanistic model for scaling photosynthesis to leaves and canopies. Functional Ecology 12(5): 767–777.
Kull, O.; Kruijt, B. 1999. Acclimation of photosynthesis to light: a mechanistic approach. Functional Ecology 13(1): 24–36.
Linder, S.; Kellomäki, S.; Koppel, A.; Kull, O.; Stenberg, P.; Smolander, H. (eds.) 2001. Canopy Dynamics and Forest Management: A Missing Link? Special Issue. Tree Physiology 21(1/2).
Kull, O. 2002. Acclimation of photosynthesis in canopies: models and limitations. Oecologia 133(3): 267–279.
Kull, O.; Tulva, I.; Vapaavuori, E. 2005. Consequences of elevated CO2 and O3 on birch canopy structure: Implementation of a canopy growth model. Forest Ecology and Management 212(1/3): 1–13.
Kull, Olevi; Echrlich, Üllas 2006. Renewable energy overview of the Baltic states. In: Kellomäki, Seppo; Leinonen, Sanna (eds.), Impacts of Climate Change on Renewable Energy Sources and their Role in Nordic and Baltic Energy Systems: Case of Bio-fuels. (Research Notes 170.) Joensuu: University of Joensuu, Faculty of Forestry, 52–86.
About him
Kull, Kalevi 2007. Olevi Kull – elu ökoloogias. In: Punning, Jaan-Mati (ed.), Keskkonnauuringute nüüdisprobleeme. Tallinn: Ökoloogia Instituut, 9-23. [Includes complete list of publications by O. Kulli.]
Oren, Ram; Kull, Kalevi; Noormets, Asko 2008. Olevi Kull's lifetime contribution to ecology. Tree Physiology 28(4): 483–490.
Püttsepp, Juhani (ed.) 2015. Ecologist Olevi Kull: May Good People have it Good... Tartu: University of Tartu Press. [Bilingual edition.]