Ogags is a Philippine television sketch comedy show broadcast by TV5. The series is remake of 1996 Philippine television sketch comedy Ogag aired on ABC. Directed by Robert Quebral, it stars Ariana Barouk. It aired from August 13, 2008 to March 31, 2010. OverviewThe show featured comedy sketches, performed by the main host Ariana Barouk with her co-hosts and guests. The concept of the show was a foreigner trying to speak Tagalog and struggling with the language. The Tagalog script was given to the foreign hosts only right before cameras rolled, so as to generate hilarity as they attempted to deliver lines in Tagalog. The show had various additional segments that featured Jackass-esque stunts. These segments featured The Calamity Fun, The Ogagsters, as well as RJ, Gomz, Mad Killah, Caloy Alde and other celebrities. OGAGS was taped throughout the Philippines. After running for some nineteen months, Ogags was cancelled, when programming was revamped under TV5's new management. Cast