The show, involving a crane, a large model of "Rosie" and a finale with half a dozen blazing cannons, features 20 live tracks spanning their then 23-year career. It features 4 tracks from Ballbreaker album, as well as other classic songs by the band.
All songs written by Young, Johnson, and Young, except: "Thunderstruck", "Hard as a Rock", "Boogie Man", "Hail Caesar" and "Ballbreaker" by Young, Young; "Shot Down in Flames", "Girls Got Rhythm", "Dog Eat Dog", "The Jack", "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap", "Whole Lotta Rosie", "T.N.T.", "Let There Be Rock" and "Highway to Hell" by Young, Scott, and Young.
Audio versions of "Hard as a Rock," "Dog Eat Dog", "Ballbreaker," "Whole Lotta Rosie," and "You Shook Me All Night Long" are available on Deluxe Edition of Backtracks.
The first releases of No Bull in the U.K. included a limited edition CDsingle with live versions of "Hard as a Rock," "Hail Caesar," and "Dog Eat Dog."