Noël Noël
Noël Noël is a 22-minute animated short produced by the National Film Board of Canada in 2003 as a Christmas special. It was directed by Nicola Lemay and written by Martin Barry. The English-language version was adapted by John Weldon and narrated by Leslie Nielsen.[1][2] The original French-language version was narrated by Benoît Brière.[3] Awards for the film included the Prix Gémeaux for Best Animated Program or Series and an Award of Excellence in the category of Animation age 6 - 8 from the Alliance for Children and Television.[1] In the United States, the short aired on Cartoon Network. PlotBillionaire businessman Noel Noël is rich but rude. He falls for a fairy named Beatrice, and tries to win her love with material gifts before learning the true meaning of love from a little girl named Zoey Murphy, her dog Snooze, and a blue-eyed reindeer.[4] See alsoReferences
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