Ninjababy is a 2021 Norwegian dramedy film directed by Yngvild Sve Flikke, from a screenplay by Johan Fasting, based on Inga H Sætre's graphic novel Fallteknikk. The film stars Kristine Thorp, Arthur Berning and Nader Khademi.[2]
A baby has lodged itself unnoticed in her stomach, and if there’s one thing that Rakel knows: She doesn't want it. The life-hungry young woman has a blooming imagination and spends time illustrating her everyday life. Hence, the Ninjababy appears as a comic figure which accompanies Rakel through the madness that is called growing up.
The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes surveyed 5 critics and, categorizing the reviews as positive or negative, assessed 5 as positive and 0 as negative for a 100% rating. Among the reviews, it determined an average rating of 7 out of 10.[5]