Since then, the label has signed acts spanning a variety of electronic music styles, such as Unheilig, The Azoic, and Frozen Plasma. The label formed a partnership with the German label Infacted,[citation needed] serving as the North American outlet for European bands like Ad Inferna, XP8, NamNamBulu, Conetik, Endanger, and Liquid Divine, signing them to distribution deals. The label had a joint venture with Infacted on Muscle and Hate, a tribute to Nitzer Ebb featuring members of XP8 and Icon of Coil.[2]
Nilaihah (pronounced "nil-EYE-ah") is an old English word meaning "poetics of the fallen", and is named after the opening track of The Azoic's 1998 album Where Broken Angels Lie.
Current artists
00tz 00tz (Alter Eden)
Alkemic Generator (When We Fail/Scream EP, The Wishful Illusion EP, Orinic Geometry)