Neuhütten is a very active village with many cultural activities. Although the village counts only around 808 inhabitants, you can find about 13 clubs and associations.
The following clubs are active in Neuhütten (Hochwald):
Short description
AWO OV Züsch/Neuhütten
charitable society
FC Züsch/Neuhütten
soccer sports club
FÖV f. Kindergarten & Grundschule
Heimatverein Neuhütten
cultural club
Jugendclub Neuhütten
teenage club
Hüttenzauber Turngruppe
gym club
KUKI Kultur- und Karnevalsinitiative
carnival and cultural club
MGV "Germania" Neuhütten
men's sing club
MV Harmonie
music club
Ski-Club Dollberg
ski club
TC Könnigsbachtal
tennis club
skittles club
. Frauengemeinschaft Züsch/Neuhütten
catholic women club
Places of Interest:
Since 2015 is Neuhütten officially placed in the "Hochwald Nationalpark", therefore the surroundings and the forest is a very beautiful and peaceful place to be.
Beyond the ski cottage, which is opened whenever there is snow, is a nice location to visit as well as the old Forsthaus "Altes Forsthaus" with its horse ranch.
Recently there has been a news team at the Dollberg Neuhütten. You can watch the video at:
Klaus Mörsdorf 1909–1989), catholic theologian and canonist
Next exits to the highway:
Otzenhausen approximately 6 km
Hermeskeil approximately 10 km
Distance to bigger cities > 100,000 inhabitants:
Trier: approximately 44 km
Saarbrücken: approximately 56 km
Luxembourg: approximately 85 km