Nearly Eighteen
Nearly Eighteen is a 1943 American comedy film directed by Arthur Dreifuss and written by George Wallace Sayre. The film stars Gale Storm, Rick Vallin, William Henry, Luis Alberni, Ralph Hodges and Jerry Rush. The film was released on November 12, 1943, by Monogram Pictures.[1][2][3] PlotJane 'Janie' Stanton (Gale Storm) on the verge of turning 18 finds that she can't afford the tuition to attend a "renowned singing and dancing school". In an effort to realize her dreams Stanton devises a plan to take advantage of an age related loophole. She discovers that the school will offer enrolment free of charge if a student is under the age of 15. Stanton goes about transforming herself into a much younger student in order to attend the school. Cast
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