Uninhabited island of the Bonin Islands, Japan
Nakōdo-jima (媒島 ) is an uninhabited Japanese island in the Mukojima Islands (formerly known as the Parry Group), the northernmost island group of the Bonin Islands , in the village of Ogasawara , Tokyo Metropolis . The entire island and its surrounding waters form part of Ogasawara National Park ,[ 3] while an area of 147 hectares (360 acres) including surrounding reefs forms part of the Ogaswara Islands UNESCO World Heritage Site .[ 4]
The highest point on the island (and the Muko-jima Group) is Mount Byōbu (屏風山 ) , at 154.9 metres (508 ft).[ 2] [ 5]
Natural history
The island is a breeding ground for the brown booby (Sula leucogaster ) and black-footed albatross (Phoebastria nigripes ).[ 6] Vegetation, including Pandanus boninensis , Lobelia boninensis , and Cirsium boninense , has been recovering since the eradication of goats introduced when the island was inhabited between the 1880s and 1944, and feral once the island was again uninhabited.[ 2] [ 6] [ 7] [ 8]
See also
^ 全国都道府県市区町村別面積調 [National Area by Prefecture, City, Ward, Town, and Village] (PDF) (in Japanese). Geospatial Information Authority of Japan . 1 October 2020. p. 86. Retrieved 7 May 2022 .
^ a b c Watanabe Etsuo 渡邊悦夫 (2016). 小笠原諸島・媒島における植生復元の取り組み [Action of the vegetation reconstruction in Ogasawara Islands, Nakoudojima]. Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering 砂防学会誌 (in Japanese). 69 (2): 30– 35. doi :10.11475/sabo.69.2_30 . ISSN 0286-8385 .
^ 区域図 聟島、西之島、北硫黄島 [Area Map: Mukojima, Nishinoshima, North Iwojima] (PDF) (in Japanese). Ministry of the Environment . Retrieved 7 May 2022 .
^ "Ogaswara Islands: Maps" . UNESCO . Retrieved 7 May 2022 .
^ "Mukojima islands" . BirdLife International . Retrieved 7 May 2022 .
^ a b "Nomination of the Ogaswara Islands for Inscription on the World Heritage List: Appendix 1 — Management Plan" (PDF) . Government of Japan . January 2010. p. 77. Retrieved 7 May 2022 .
^ Ōsawa Takeshi 大澤剛士; Hata Kenji 畑憲治; Kachi Naoki 可知直毅 (31 May 2017). ノヤギの駆除が外来植物ギンネムの繁茂を促進する [Spread of exotic plant Leucaena leucocephala encouraged by eradication of wild goats]. Annual Report of Ogasawara Research 小笠原研究年報 (in Japanese). 40 (40): 13– 23. hdl :10748/00009723 . ISSN 0387-9844 .
^ Suzuki Hajime 鈴木創; Horikoshi Kazuo 堀越和夫; Sasaki Tetsuro 佐々木哲朗; Kawakami Kazuto 川上和人 (2019). "Rapid increase in seabird breeding population after feral goat eradication on Mukojima, Ogasawara Islands, Japan" 小笠原諸島聟島列島におけるノヤギ排除後の海鳥営巣数の急激 な増加 [Rapid increase in seabird breeding population after feral goat eradication on Mukojima, Ogasawara Islands, Japan]. Japanese Journal of Ornithology [ja ] (in Japanese and English). 68 (2): 273– 287. doi :10.3838/jjo.68.273 . ISSN 0913-400X .