Nagqu Hotel

Nagqu Hotel (那曲饭店), or Naqu Hotel,[1] is a hotel located in Seni District, Nagqu, China.[2][3][4]


In June 1984, the construction of Nagqu Hotel was started as one of the 43 Aid Projects to Tibet, and completed in August 1985, with a total investment of 13.1 million yuan, designed and constructed by Chengdu Architectural Design & Research Institute (Chinese: 成都市建筑设计研究院) and Chengdu Architectural Engineering Corporation (Chinese: 成都市建筑工程总公司).[5] Hotel construction area of 8805 square meters, with elegant chic, fresh style of architectural features.[6] It is equipped with reception hall, conference room, restaurant, entertainment room and supporting facilities, which was the largest, highest standard and most invested modern building in Nagqu area at that time.[7] In 1995, the hotel carried out large-scale renovation and decoration for the reception hall and the west building, which improved the scale and grade. In 1997, the hotel increased the efforts of hardware construction.[8]


  1. ^ Tibet-Reiseführer (in German). China Intercontinental Press. 2003. p. 199. ISBN 978-7-5085-0394-3. Retrieved 2024-10-02.
  2. ^ China Report: Economic affairs. JPRS (Series). Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Joint Publications Research Service. 1986. p. 91. Retrieved 2024-10-02.
  3. ^ Guía turística del Tíbet de China (in Spanish). China Intercontinental Press. 2003. p. 199. ISBN 978-7-5085-0392-9. Retrieved 2024-10-02.
  4. ^ China Report: Political, Sociological and Military Affairs. Foreign Broadcast Information Service. 1985. ISSN 0891-351X. Retrieved 2024-10-02.
  5. ^ 成都市建筑志编纂委员会 (1994). 成都市建筑志. [中华人民共和国地方志: 四川省] (in Chinese). 中国建筑工业出版社. p. 112. ISBN 978-7-112-02384-4. Retrieved 2024-05-26.
  6. ^ "【藏北故事】难忘43项工程惠泽高原大地_新闻中心_中国网". 中国网新闻中心_传递中国价值 (in Chinese). 2020-07-01. Retrieved 2024-05-26.
  7. ^ Tibet 统计局 (1997). 西藏统计年鉴 (in Chinese). 中国统计出版社. p. 45. Retrieved 2024-05-26.
  8. ^ "【藏北故事】难忘43项工程惠泽高原大地_专栏文章_手机中国西藏网". 手机中国西藏网 (in Chinese). 2020-06-30. Retrieved 2024-05-26.