NOiSE is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tsutomu Nihei. It is a prequel to his ten-volume work, Blame!. Noise offers some information concerning the Megastructure's origins and initial size, as well as the origins of Silicon life. The book also includes Blame, a one-shot prototype for Blame!, which originally debuted in October 1995.
This story portrays Susono Musubi, a young police officer in a post-apocalyptic subterranean city that's thriving with activity, who is investigating recent child abductions. She finds a heavily toned down, sword-like Gravitational Beam Emitter as well as other elements that take different forms in the later publication (for example, Silicon life).
In North America, the manga was licensed for English release by Tokyopop, who released the single volume on December 11, 2007.[5] The manga was later re-released by Kodansha USA in digital on June 28, 2016 and in print on November 29, 2022.[6][7]