My Sweet Land is a 2024 documentary film written, co-produced, edited and directed by Sareen Hairabedian. It follows 11-year-old Vrej, living in Nagorno-Karabakh, his life takes a sudden turn when war erupts and is forced to flee.
11-year-old Vrej, lives in Nagorno-Karabakh, his life takes a sudden turn when war erupts and is forced to flee. He later returns, he must learn the ways of war to defend his homeland.[1]
In 2018, Sareen Hairabedian meet Vrej in Nagorno-Karabakh, during a research trip, to meet children of couples who mass married in 2008, in order to populate the region.[2][3] Hairabedian wanted to tell the story through the eyes of a child in order to focus on humanitarian and humane aspects.[4][5]
The film had its world premiere at the Sheffield DocFest on June 13, 2024.[6][7] It also screened at DOC NYC on November 16, 2024.[8]
Oscar submission
In September 2024, Jordan selected the film as the countries submission for the Academy Award for Best International Feature Film.[9] In November 2024, Jordan withdrew the film for consideration following diplomatic pressure from Azerbaijan.[10][11] Additionally the film was banned in Jordan.[12]
Hairabedian responded by stating: "It’s a film that has documented a place and a life that no longer exists now. Film and documentary art is one of the most important and effective tools to continue telling the truth that has been cleansed, silenced".[13]